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Aiming Higher Quantum Success Co.
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Change Doesn't Have to Be HARD...

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Would you willingly let a 5 year old run your life????

...What if I told you according to my unique research... MORE THAN 99% of adults today are doing just that? (Unknowingly, of course!) ...

... So most of you will spend your entire lives in "personal development"... eliminating what is in your way... instead of doing what you came here to do!... You may even give up on living a rich life...

...Just because you don't know another way... Well, I have discovered the way... and it's The Most Effortless... Whether you have an addiction, eating disorder or simply desire to live the life meant for you... read on!... .

Erase Addictions

Masterpiece PeopleTM

Live Your Purpose

Have AnythingTM

~ NEW FREE live "Ask Pam Ragland" calls - Get help f or YOUR specific situation - FREE for a limited time only!

~ Get my new book... The 7 Why's of Addiction

~ Find out about my groundbreaking ADDICTION work here (Free report)

~ Visit My Blog! Erase Addictions Forever

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So what in the world is Twitter?  Go here to find out more

~ NEW FREE live "Ask Pam Ragland" calls - Get help for YOUR specific situation - FREE for a limited time only!

~ Tired of self help taking so long? FREE Audio Program! Listen now... Program! Listen now...

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...Blast past personal development to personal transformation     

...You really can use the Law of Attraction to Have Anything(TM) you choose! 

Return to yourself again...  

... Did you know despite financial success, more than 97% of people are NOT LIVING THEIR PURPOSE?  

...Or achieving their full potential?   

... Or that more than 97% of people DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEIR PURPOSE IS? 

... And once people do know their purpose, or have a strong direction,



... Or even when you know how to use The Law of Attraction (ala The Secret), it won't work like it should

How can you change this?  How can you make The Law of Attraction actually work for you?

IMAGINE  having your very own magic wand... so you can have your life exactly as you choose

...Experience PEACE & HAPPINESS for no reason! 




...Finally have a LIFE of REAL MEANING


...Use The Law of Attraction to  your full advantage!

The one thing money doesn't buy is happiness...


We help you, your business, your family (and even your pets!)
HAVE ANYTHINGTM -- Health - Wealth - Balance - Maximum Potential - Peace  


Insanity is doing the same thing over and
over...and expecting a different result!

Have you ever wondered why successful people seem to have a magic wand?  They know & live their purpose?  They know the Law of Attraction and they effortlessly use it?  Do you want to know how to have your own magic wand…and use it successfully and easily? What if you could Have Anythingyou choose…effortlessly?  

~ According to The Secret Movie & Quantum Physics experts, your thoughts have a direct impact on your reality

~ The Secret Movie and Oprah further helped us understand you create your life with your thoughts and emotions - The law of attraction

~ According to the work of Dr. Emoto, our thoughts can even change water!  And we are 90% water...

~ According to What the Bleep Do We Know? we have a sliver of positive thoughts mixed in with mostly negative thoughts

~ The average adult has 97% of their thoughts and emotions working against them

~ Behavioral Science Experts say that by the time you were 5, about 61% of your adult thoughts were already there

~ And by 5 one third of your thoughts were already negative -- more than a million negative thoughts already!

~ The times you recall the least have the largest impact!

~ The average adult has 96% of their thoughts in their subconscious... you run by habit on AutoPilot

~ If you’re like most adults, you are acting largely out of your childhood mind ... on autopilot... and mostly negative at that! 

~ For most, your original Masterpiece is all covered up with "paint" ...thoughts that hold you back from your purpose and potential

~ Even your kids are all covered up... creating their own reality far before you realize they can actually do this 

~ And even though creating our reality is what we came here for, the majority of you have never learned about how to use The Law of Attraction to do this, and don't understand it

~ The result? Your negative thoughts are working against you... and you don't even know it.  You are not in the driver's seat of your life. 

~ It is like swimming upstream... life is full of effort

~ You end up struggling with the same challenges over and over.  You fail to achieve your potential.   Your life is limited. 

Have your own personal magic wand... 

We are pioneers.  We help anyone who is determined to improve, remove their barriers to anything (true happiness, your purpose, a fear, phobias, addictions of all kinds, obsessive-compulsive disorder, past trauma, or just  blocks to accomplishing a goal) ...quickly and effortlessly!! 

You will be amazed!!

~ We specialize in helping you eliminate negative thoughts once and for all.  Simply.  Quickly.  Effortlessly.

~ In fact, there is no faster, more effective, or effortless way known on the planet today!  

~ Do in 11 days or less what would take more than a lifetime--more than 2,000 years in fact--with any other method out there today!  


We have real scientific results in: 

... Obliterated Limiting Beliefs (gone, gone, gone)

... increased Consciousness Level

... And expanded abilities via dramatically increased vibrational frequency  

(Click on each result above to see actual results...)

~ Quickly... Thought ShiftingTM

~ or very, very quickly...Quantum Thought ShiftingTM

~ ...your choice

~ With minimal effort 

~ In fact, when you take advantage of our quickest methods, you will realize more improvement in days than in more than a lifetime of traditional coaching, therapy, self-help, or personal development

But don't just take our word for it... Hear from our awesome clients first hand: 

(Quantum Thought ShiftTM) Just 2 mos. post shift..."...I have done extreme work around the boy who date raped me in the summer after high school.  I have done traditional therapy & hypnosis with the 1st & 2nd observer positions, blah, blah, blah.  Still, after 30 years, the trauma remained.    

Then I was "shifted" by Pam.  Upon waking from a dream about him, I felt peace and compassion for him, and complete forgiveness for the first time.  I had a smile on my face and haven't felt so good or free.  I hoped, but didn't imagine, I would ever be completely free from it.  Thank you so much!  This is a gift I never expected from taking this program, & I can't tell you how wonderful it is!  With love & gratefulness for you."       
Name withheld for privacy, So. California, USA

(Quantum Thought ShiftTM) Just 3 mos. post shift... "Thank you so much for everything.  This program is changing my life so fast and furiously, I can't begin to express the real gratitude I feel.  I am so looking forward to getting more direction on my true life purpose, too.  Life feels like the pieces of a puzzle clicking into place now.  At long last!  Peace!  And everything good to you!"                Kimberly Wickham, Magareteville, NY, USA 

(Thought ShiftTM) "When I started this work, I could hardly imagine making my sales quota.  My own thoughts kept me being mediocre, and I could hardly imagine anything else.  In the first month, my close rate dropped dramatically. After just four months, I am the #5 sales rookie in my company, my close rate is 80%, and my sales have quadrupled.  I can now easily envision being number one!"  
C.W., Santa Ana, CA

(Thought ShiftTM "I just wanted to say thank you, and let you know that you made a great impact on me.  My wife said I looked like a different person when I got home!  I felt like a different person too! I had no idea I was carrying those thoughts, and the negative actions from my thoughts, around with me for all these years. They have definitely had an impact on my business and my relationships. And now they are gone.  I consider myself lucky to have met you, and wish you all the best."                                                                         J.S. , Aliso Viejo, CA

(Thought ShiftTM-child)  "At Mommy and Me, another boy yelled at my 2 yr. old daughter her when she was trying to play with another girl.  It really hurt her feelings.  She welled up in tears, and was not the same happy, carefree girl for the rest of the class.  I immediately took her to work with Pam. As she played with the toys, they talked about the incident. The root cause was a feeling she might not be wanted, passed on to her in utero.  Pam used Thought ShiftingTM to eliminate her emotions and the issue.  

The results were so great!   Before whenever my daughter talked about the incident, she had tears in her eyes.  Afterwards, she was happy, with no signs of negative emotions.  She even wanted to invite the "offending" boy over to play!!  Now, she easily makes friends in her class. What a gift to eliminate such a huge thing so early, which otherwise would have impacted the rest of her life!" 
S.R., Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

(Masterpiece PetsTM)Freeman "On  9/20/2005 Freeman (my 3 year old St. Bernard) was very ill. He would not eat for a week & was not drinking hardly any water...I took him to my vet & she ran a Creantine test for his kidneys.  It showed that his Creantine level was at 4.1...Almost kidney failure & he was very dehydrated...

She asked me if I wanted to put him to sleep... she really thought it was the end.  I said NO please do what you can, he is not ready to leave (I was not ready for him to leave!)  She pumped him full of fluids, gave him a Penicillin shot and told me that was his last chance.  He has many health issues including an enlarged heart & is on meds for that.
I came home very upset & called Pam.  She told me there were things I needed to do, and if I would do them she could help him.  For me, I needed to promise Freeman I would start taking care of myself, & quit focusing my whole life on him...which I have been doing for 3 years now.  Meanwhile, Pam told me she would "shift" him immediately
So, I sat down with him & promised I would start taking care of myself.  I would eat more, quit worrying so much about him, & stay positive... I ate & sat down to relax & quit worrying... Within 3 hours of his "shift" (and mine) he ate his first meal in a week & was drinking lots of water!  He continued to eat & drink in the 3 days that followed... I started cooking for myself again & began trying to organize my life...
I took him back to the vet 3 days later on Sept. 23 & my vet drew blood & came in looking shocked... This was the day she was to put him to sleep, so I thought the worst.  She said his Creantine had dropped down to 2.0... It was a very dramatic drop in such a short amount of time!  She could not believe it & felt bad for even considering euthanasia.  He has been doing great ever since his "shift", & his kidneys are now functioning perfectly!  His appetite has never been better & he drinks water all day...which is very important with his heart problem to keep the edema away. 
I have learned to leave the ranch for a few hours & not worry about him.  I gained 5 lbs also (which I needed).  Pam.....Thank You with all my heart for helping us...I love my boy & am so grateful to you!!  
~ Lisa Sparks & Freeman V. Kojak, Northern CA

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